Your body is your greatest asset. It is the home of your mind and your heart and it holds the capacity of using your intellect and your intuition in tandem to solve any problem you are facing.
Your body is a storehouse of Information, memories emotions and energy that have been generated since the moment you took birth. Every memory, every emotion is a part of you, stored within your body and the great thing is it’s all accessible.
Your body holds the key because that which you can not process or understand will automatically fall into the body.
This vast “body of experience ” can be the key to solving long-standing problems that repeat in your life and that just don’t go away no matter what you do. I developed a 5 step simple and direct set of practices that when applied can open the door to this warehouse of information – held just below the surface- literally!
Why is this important? Who cares?
Well, you should if you have been struggling with a relationship issue, physical symptoms, behaviors, emotions or beliefs that you fall into again and again and you just can’t get out. Kind of like a ocean wave that you get pulled into and you just spin around and around and can’t get out without effort and help.
When you repeat the same pattern again and again in your life you may be caught in a traumatic vortex. A traumatic vortex is very intense because you are gripped in the problem and can’t get out. It’s a place where you spin, and your mind goes over the same scenario again and again, maybe with different people or situations.
There is an inextricable feeling to this. Right? Like you will never be free. And the the worst of it is you won’t be free until you resolve the core issue. You will repeat the pattern, going over the same material because your body and mind are trying every way they can to figure it out, to complete the traumatic emotional experience in a way that lays it to rest.
And all you want to be is out of the spin cycle, out of pain and to move beyond the emotions you are feeling, right?
For 24 years, I have worked with clients in these situations where their life and emotions are out of balance and out of control and they feel like they are about to die. Funny thing is, something is dying— an old way of being is dropping away. A part of the self, that is aching for change, is ready to let go to release the trauma, and die—- in order to be reborn.
Memories, emotions and beliefs drive you each and every day. And the solutions to your chronic problems is right here, right now, right within you. You just have to be willing to dive in to see what is waiting for you- to see what your intellect and your intuition have to share with you.
Your body is your greatest asset and it will communicate with you. Your spirit communicates thru your body and if you listen and look you will find answers and know in your heart what to do next. So if you want to get started and get to the bottom of your problems once and for all and make 180 degree shifts like never before then you are ripe for this deep wokt. You can begin today just call me and let’s get started. 415 435-8015