You Hold the Key !

YOU HOLD THE KEY to your deepest healing and empowerment…….

Memories and emotions are alive within you and they drive your behaviors, symptoms, beliefs and life experience more than you may realize. These unconscious patterns reawaken when you are in stress, trauma and pain and they limit you in countless ways.

Have you ever wondered: why am I here again? What is this about? I feel I know this person, how could that be? Why does this emotion always come up? How come I have this disease? How can I get out of this cycle? Why am I so tired?

If you have ever asked these types of probing questions and if you want to transform the very energy that is the source of your pain and suffering and move beyond your problems and find peace then you are a perfect match for this work.

Transforming Embodiment ® is a past life integrative therapy and chakra clearing process that allows you to find the emotional causes for your symptoms and to uproot them at their core. You are taught to use your own intuitive skills to discover the memories and emotions that are held within your cells, bones and tissues. I am your guide and act as a medium between your wisdom Self and energy of Source.

Your body, as embodied spirit and mind, carries all the answers and understanding that you require to release the burdens of your past from both this life and from past and parallel lives you have lived before.

I call this body your body of experience, which encompasses all the memories emotions, beliefs and experiences you have ever experienced since the incarnation of your individual consciousness. Your subtle body and physical body are included and each cell, chakra and organ holds a vast pantheon of info-energy that you can access.

In my 25 years as a healer,  I have learned thru direct experience with myself, clients and students that the most persistent and perplexing problems we face in this lifetime can be answered when we drop into our body of experience. By asking simple direct questions like: “ Where have I experienced this before, why is this theme or problem in my life, when or where was the first time I experienced this? ”,  memories will surface like bubbles from a mountain spring. Offering you insights and understanding directly from your body and spirit.

Together we can find answers and understanding and you can heal your core, your body and emotions. This is the treasure and empowerment of this work.

Author: H. Elizabeth Burke MA

H. Elizabeth Burke MA has been a pioneer in somatics and energy healing, past life and trauma resolution for 30 years. She is the creator of Transforming Embodiment a new somatic therapy for healing mind, body and spirit. Elizabeth is also a professional psychic, medical intuitive, teacher and award-winning author. She specializes in somatic integrative therapy, energetic healing, past life healing and integration & trauma resolution. She holds a master's degree from Lesley College in Somatic and Contemplative Counseling. Her book, Memory in Our Bones won awards in 2009 and 2011. Her new book Transforming History ~ Transforming Embodiment Somatic Solutions for Past Life & Cellular Healing: Beyond Epigenetics & Traditional Therapy will be published in late 2016 - early 2017. Elizabeth survived and thrived after a harrowing 3 year- long kundalini awakening and shamanic initiation that nearly killed her. Touched by spirit in this deep way, changed her forever and left her clairvoyant, clairaudiant and clairsentient as well as being a trance channel. This extra-ordinary awakening also gave her a direct understanding of the nature of pain and and a deeply personal grasp of how the mind can heal the body. Elizabeth Burke is adept at unraveling the stories held within the emotional and energy body from the past and present. She deftly interfaces her counseling abilities with a full range of medical intuitive, channeled insights and psychic skills and has read for 1000's of people from all over the world since 1986. Since 1988 she has taught holistic professionals and spiritually-awakening woman intuitive and psychic skills, Hawaiian shamanic skills and the practices of Transforming Embodiment. Elizabeth has studied with Buddhist masters, Taoist priests, and shamans from Hawai'i and has practiced meditation for decades. She can be reached in person by phone at 415 925-1509 via her websites, or at her blog

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