Why do I Feel Invisible?

How seeming small events and memories have a big impact on our lives. One woman’s life changing discovery.

Sometimes it is the smallest forgotten moment that can change your perception of yourself  and your world. That was the case for a client, Anna, who came to see me because she was feeling invisible at work. She did excellent work but had been passed over for promotions. Why did she feel so invisible and unseen? She really wanted to understand why this was happening.  And she really wanted the raise she deserved.

She shared that even when she was a child she felt like she disappeared, often into books, which were her passion. But she did not want to feel this way anymore.

With such a clear desire and goal I asked her to breath deeply and to touch into her heart-mind and to gently go back to the first time she felt this sense of being invisible.

As she closed her eyes I felt her body relax and drift back in time. She opened her eyes a few minutes later and told me this story.

She was three years old when her grandparents came for a visit. It was a hot summer day along the gulf and her older brother and sister and she were playing outside when they arrived.

Her grandparents asked if they would like to go get ice cream and promptly took the two older children out to Woolworth’s leaving my client behind. When her brother and sister returned with ice cream she was so sad and just withdrew.

As she remembered these events she realized how invisible this made her feel. She was standing right there, next to her brother and sister but her grandparents went without her-they took the hands of her siblings and they all piled into the car leaving her behind.

She never realized how hurt she had been or how invisible she felt. She shared that this seemingly small action on the part of her grandparents has really impacted her and that until this moment she had never thought of that day. But she got how this simple experience made her feel invisible at her job in the present.

She reflected that her introverted childhood was probably a reaction to not wanting to be hurt and left out again. And she understood how energetically she withdrew unknowingly to this very day in her daily life. She also laughed and said that her grandparents probably did not want to have to double team with three kids in tow.

We worked with the emotions and memories and she left my office feeling rejuvenated, confident and ready to take her place as a visible member of her team at work.

She also had the skills to care for her past self, so she would never be invisible again. And when her next job review came up she received that long awaited raise, and was seen for the capable and smart woman that she was.

As you can see it is not only the big events that impact you, small moments that you have long forgotten can be the roots of problems or challenges you are facing in your daily life. Like this woman you too can find healing and restore your self-esteem and sense of identity by working with the emotional memories you have long forgotten. Inner peace, empowerment and renewed self-confidence can be your once again.

What to Do When You Are So Exhausted !

Regain vitality, momentum, joy and fire in your belly!

Why do an energy meditation when you have no energy? I know you are thinking, “I’m just too exhausted to concentrate” and at the same time another part of you is may be thinking, “Wow, maybe this will work”, and I can start doing more of the things I love.

Exhaustion can be so debilitating, you feel too tired to play with your kids, tackle work projects or even take care of yourself. It’s just too much, too overwhelming to even think about!

But don’t you want to take back your life and be free of the weight and oppression of the exhaustion you are feeling and have energy that is vital, joyous and expansive, like when you were are our best in the past or when you were a child perhaps?

How would it feel to have that kind of unlimited energy again? How would it be to feel it all the way down to your bones?

I created a meditation for women just like you, who are deflated by exhaustion. They are just too tired to do anything some days, because of physical symptoms, emotional concerns, family and work pressures. They are exhausted mentally, emotionally and physically. But there is hope.

What I have learned for myself is that it really helps to understand the inherent energy of the emotion you are feeling. What this means is you have to let yourself—– feel what you are feeling. It’s not always pleasant but this is a first step.

Personally what I have noticed it that exhaustion feels heavy, like a weight, as if someone has draped a wet blanket over me. You know the feeling. Right?

You just feel weighted down by the exhaustion. It’s overwhelming and oppressive. You feel trapped by this heaviness and just can’t get moving or excited about anything. You are just too tired to think or even move.

What I have found in working with others and within myself is that it is necessary to work through the layers of the exhaustion that you are feeling, to deeply relax and give into the exhaustion- without hesitation or fear, in order to move beyond it. I know this may sound scary, who wants to feel something they don’t like, right? But if you feel the exhaustion and release it from the cells, bones and tissues within your body, your energy can then return. I have seen this again and again.

So what I have done to help you and others like you is to create a meditation/ visualization exercise you can do at home on your own. Many of my clients have used this and have experienced dramatic change. Their energy has returned and they have told me they feel lighter and less burdened as a result.

How would that feel, pretty good, huh? Exhaustion is such a part of so many of our lives and with the economy being so challenging many of you are working harder than ever before. I know I am. So would you like more energy? Would you like to release the very essence of the exhaustion you are feeling from your very cells?

If so, I encourage you to go to my website (the link is down below on the bottom of the page). Once at my site you will find a link for this meditation and an audio if you prefer to listen to the meditation.

Here are a few things that can help you be successful, right now.

1. Find a quiet undisturbed place where you can sit or lie down for 10 -15-mins.without interruptions (some of my clients say they do this visualization in the bath)

2. Breathe deep into your belly and allow your body to relax. Allow the breath to flow from your chest into your belly and breath easily and effortlessly like a baby breathes.

3. Allow your thoughts to be like clouds in the sky—juts floating by, no need to grab onto them or follow them just let them go.

4. Finally, be curious with no judgments please. Whatever arises is important for you to release so if thoughts, emotions or memories arise let them, just be curious—- without any preconceived judgments or notions.

I know this meditation/visualization will help you. It helped me and has helped my clients ever sense I first channeled the process many years ago. Just know you don’t have to live with feeling tired any more. This simple direct practice will reinvigorate and revitalize you. You will have energy again. You can take back control of you life and feel better now.